Jesus -> Bush -> Hell on Earth
christianity, judeism, islam, latter-day-saints, jehovah's witnesses and the rest...
all works of fiction created to enslave humanity. all using the same oppression & torture to extract esoteric, self-empowering knowledge from the mainstream.
the jesus lie is one such fake story visciously enforced by the satanic forces of the mainstream church over the ages since the lie was initiated as a vehicle to enslave the mind and spirits of the populace. using fear, torture & murder to suck truth from common currency.
another strand of that enslavement has been the illusion of freedom, choice & self-determination provided by the evangelising of democracy. this has been sold as the great white hope for the oppressed people of the earth and it's success had been exemplified by the U.S.A.
now George W. Bush & co has been put in place, along with the other set of puppet governments , to discredit democracy and make us hanker for 'another solution'.
in the meantime we have been seeded with the concept that 'perhaps' the official story of jesus was a smokescreen. what better way to maintain and further tighten control over our thoughts and actions than by appearing to increase our freedoms but subtly herding us into making the 'obvious' choices.
we think: perhaps the story of this mystical, political genius has become obscured by the corrupting influences that eventually took over the church: nasty priests.
we realise: of course jesus was directly inspired by our lord god. his message was truth and his great work was/is the salvation of the world. however, that initial inspired truth has become debased through the generations by the soiled hands of uninspired man and corporate religion and business: nasty corporations.
we hope: perhaps jesus was just like us but 'special'. perhaps he married and had a family. perhaps that family has sacrificed it's own advancement to protect the truth throughout the ages. perhaps that family are, in fact, the keeper of the graal; the blood of christ; it's own bloodline: nice people.
we pray: so, here we have the fact that popular politics has failed. democracy has failed. who do we turn to? what on earth can we do? oh, just when we need it the concept of royalty regains credence. not a tired, decadent, limp monarchy but a line of warrior priests dedicated to maintaining the truth and purity of their noble message. theirs is a pure bloodline containing the god-given gift of kings. The blood royal is amongst us and - reluctantly - willing to lead us to salvation. King Arthur has returned to save us: nice saviours.
George Bush et al are not fools. The are far from failures. Their raison d'etre is to de-stabilise the world and lead us to the brink. The existing world order and front institutions have served their purpose and are in the process of being fundamentally discredited. The illusion of freedom is about to be stripped away to be replaced with the revealed reality of subservience & repression.
The death of George W. Bush & the apparent deconstruction of the old discredited world order will be replaced by dictatorship. We will rejoice & cheer at the inception of this New World Order but will quickly learn it exists for it's own benefit not ours. We are meat in the grinder and fodder for its purposes.
As the ethnic cleansing of New Orleans was triggered by Katrina and facilitated by the Administration so the environmental, financial and societal collapse of the world has been faciliated and hastened with the active particpation of our leaders.
We may choose to believe The Bible and take comfort from it's nonsensical orthodoxy or The De Vinci Code having been shocked at its adolescent revelations or The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail with its pseudo academic chain of revelations. Any contradiction or conflict between these viewpoints is as genuine as a WWF grudge fight. They all serve the same purpose.
Wherever we sit on this spectrum of mutually supporting revelation it is all fiction and we are being groomed for slavery.
all works of fiction created to enslave humanity. all using the same oppression & torture to extract esoteric, self-empowering knowledge from the mainstream.
the jesus lie is one such fake story visciously enforced by the satanic forces of the mainstream church over the ages since the lie was initiated as a vehicle to enslave the mind and spirits of the populace. using fear, torture & murder to suck truth from common currency.
another strand of that enslavement has been the illusion of freedom, choice & self-determination provided by the evangelising of democracy. this has been sold as the great white hope for the oppressed people of the earth and it's success had been exemplified by the U.S.A.
now George W. Bush & co has been put in place, along with the other set of puppet governments , to discredit democracy and make us hanker for 'another solution'.
in the meantime we have been seeded with the concept that 'perhaps' the official story of jesus was a smokescreen. what better way to maintain and further tighten control over our thoughts and actions than by appearing to increase our freedoms but subtly herding us into making the 'obvious' choices.
we think: perhaps the story of this mystical, political genius has become obscured by the corrupting influences that eventually took over the church: nasty priests.
we realise: of course jesus was directly inspired by our lord god. his message was truth and his great work was/is the salvation of the world. however, that initial inspired truth has become debased through the generations by the soiled hands of uninspired man and corporate religion and business: nasty corporations.
we hope: perhaps jesus was just like us but 'special'. perhaps he married and had a family. perhaps that family has sacrificed it's own advancement to protect the truth throughout the ages. perhaps that family are, in fact, the keeper of the graal; the blood of christ; it's own bloodline: nice people.
we pray: so, here we have the fact that popular politics has failed. democracy has failed. who do we turn to? what on earth can we do? oh, just when we need it the concept of royalty regains credence. not a tired, decadent, limp monarchy but a line of warrior priests dedicated to maintaining the truth and purity of their noble message. theirs is a pure bloodline containing the god-given gift of kings. The blood royal is amongst us and - reluctantly - willing to lead us to salvation. King Arthur has returned to save us: nice saviours.
George Bush et al are not fools. The are far from failures. Their raison d'etre is to de-stabilise the world and lead us to the brink. The existing world order and front institutions have served their purpose and are in the process of being fundamentally discredited. The illusion of freedom is about to be stripped away to be replaced with the revealed reality of subservience & repression.
The death of George W. Bush & the apparent deconstruction of the old discredited world order will be replaced by dictatorship. We will rejoice & cheer at the inception of this New World Order but will quickly learn it exists for it's own benefit not ours. We are meat in the grinder and fodder for its purposes.
As the ethnic cleansing of New Orleans was triggered by Katrina and facilitated by the Administration so the environmental, financial and societal collapse of the world has been faciliated and hastened with the active particpation of our leaders.
We may choose to believe The Bible and take comfort from it's nonsensical orthodoxy or The De Vinci Code having been shocked at its adolescent revelations or The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail with its pseudo academic chain of revelations. Any contradiction or conflict between these viewpoints is as genuine as a WWF grudge fight. They all serve the same purpose.
Wherever we sit on this spectrum of mutually supporting revelation it is all fiction and we are being groomed for slavery.
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