Bush: and what rough beast [...] slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
There is a tremendous outpouring of glee in the liberal press as the house that Bush built starts to crumble.
While I also feel the relief that the hugely reported truths of Bush's incompetence, corruption and duplicity are seeping into the mainstream I remain somewhat paranioac of the consequences.
My concern is what would replace the incumbents if it all did come tumbling down.
The P.N.A.C. tumour has metasticised and is aggresively eating the lungs out of America. What remains is a fragile husk. The patient is choking. What to do? Do nothing and the patient suffers a slow lingering death. Reach down the patient's throat to clear the blockage and you're as likely to end up with a handful of lung-pulp as you are to revive the patient.
The events of the past few years have served to fundamentally destroy whatever trust in democratic government remained after the rape and pillage of the Thatcher/Reagan years.
The Bush/Blair circle wank over Iraq has made abject cynicism the norm and primed us for the more draconian alternatives. We are now habitually living in a state of fear. The, I believe, state facilitated terrorist atrocities in the west's major cities have served to loosen our grip on our personal freedoms.
Why on earth would the state facilitate these horrors? There is a parallel with organised crime. If you want to get to the true source of the crime follow the money. With politics: if you want to get to the true instigators of an event/policy follow the power - who benefits?
Bush benefitted hugely from 9/11.
Bush Co. has benefitted to the tune of billions through the criminally false justification for the Iraq mayhem. In addition he now has The War Against Terror (T.W.A.T). The Orwellian excuse of being at war excuses incompetent financial management and the further tapping into the veins of the ailing patient America. It justifies the illegal imprisonment of innocents and makes the results of interrogation by torture admissible in court. It provides a smokescreen for the disembowelling of a nation for private profit. All this of course in addition to distracting from the fact that his first election victory was actually a coup d'etat by stealth.
Bush Co benefitted from Katrina through the no-bid rebuilding contracts going to crony firms - primarily Halliburton subsiduaries. They may not have launched Katrina but they delayed the aid effort and, now that the city has been ethnically cleansed of its lower strata, it will make for extremely profitable real estate upon re-construction. Now who do you think will end up profitting from that bonanza?
Note that I said that Bush Co benefitted - not necessarily Bush himself. He is simply the figurehead.
The powers that installed Bush are moving on and Bush is going down. At the very least he will have had to make extreme concessions to keep his arse farting into the Oval seat of power.
My fear is his exit strategy should he be cornered.
In my experience it's the little men you have to watch out for. Those with heart, integrity and a clear agenda may be your enemies but there can remain a mutual bond of honour arching across the divide. The little men on the other hand have neither heart nor integrity and their agendas and loyalities will turn on a dime if it serves them well.
I don't think anyone could describe the numbskull Bush as anything other than a little man.
My worry would be that he and his cabal may attempt to instigate an extreme diversion to prolong his tenure and finish their 'work of ages'. How does Bird Flu finally mutating into a human to human communicable virus sound? It's easily done. How does a nuclear strike on Israel blamed on Iran and thereby justifying the invasion of that country sound? It doesn't have to be a big strike and they could use Israel's own (illegal) stockpile of nuclear weapons.
Either of these events could serve as a justification to instigate martial law. Then all bets are off; all investigations are suspended and Bush Co finally have the carte blanche dictatorship that the have been working towards.
My fear is that this will happen anyway regardless of Bush's survival or not. The agenda will continue remorselessly on while we are distracted by the (justifiable) blood lust of his destruction.
If Bush goes he will be replaced by more of the same, wearing different colours but controlled by the same scum, following the same fascist, world govenment agenda and the general populace will more than likely hail his replacement as a saviour.
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" W.B.Yeats. The Second Coming
While I also feel the relief that the hugely reported truths of Bush's incompetence, corruption and duplicity are seeping into the mainstream I remain somewhat paranioac of the consequences.
My concern is what would replace the incumbents if it all did come tumbling down.
The P.N.A.C. tumour has metasticised and is aggresively eating the lungs out of America. What remains is a fragile husk. The patient is choking. What to do? Do nothing and the patient suffers a slow lingering death. Reach down the patient's throat to clear the blockage and you're as likely to end up with a handful of lung-pulp as you are to revive the patient.
The events of the past few years have served to fundamentally destroy whatever trust in democratic government remained after the rape and pillage of the Thatcher/Reagan years.
The Bush/Blair circle wank over Iraq has made abject cynicism the norm and primed us for the more draconian alternatives. We are now habitually living in a state of fear. The, I believe, state facilitated terrorist atrocities in the west's major cities have served to loosen our grip on our personal freedoms.
Why on earth would the state facilitate these horrors? There is a parallel with organised crime. If you want to get to the true source of the crime follow the money. With politics: if you want to get to the true instigators of an event/policy follow the power - who benefits?
Bush benefitted hugely from 9/11.
Bush Co. has benefitted to the tune of billions through the criminally false justification for the Iraq mayhem. In addition he now has The War Against Terror (T.W.A.T). The Orwellian excuse of being at war excuses incompetent financial management and the further tapping into the veins of the ailing patient America. It justifies the illegal imprisonment of innocents and makes the results of interrogation by torture admissible in court. It provides a smokescreen for the disembowelling of a nation for private profit. All this of course in addition to distracting from the fact that his first election victory was actually a coup d'etat by stealth.
Bush Co benefitted from Katrina through the no-bid rebuilding contracts going to crony firms - primarily Halliburton subsiduaries. They may not have launched Katrina but they delayed the aid effort and, now that the city has been ethnically cleansed of its lower strata, it will make for extremely profitable real estate upon re-construction. Now who do you think will end up profitting from that bonanza?
Note that I said that Bush Co benefitted - not necessarily Bush himself. He is simply the figurehead.
The powers that installed Bush are moving on and Bush is going down. At the very least he will have had to make extreme concessions to keep his arse farting into the Oval seat of power.
My fear is his exit strategy should he be cornered.
In my experience it's the little men you have to watch out for. Those with heart, integrity and a clear agenda may be your enemies but there can remain a mutual bond of honour arching across the divide. The little men on the other hand have neither heart nor integrity and their agendas and loyalities will turn on a dime if it serves them well.
I don't think anyone could describe the numbskull Bush as anything other than a little man.
My worry would be that he and his cabal may attempt to instigate an extreme diversion to prolong his tenure and finish their 'work of ages'. How does Bird Flu finally mutating into a human to human communicable virus sound? It's easily done. How does a nuclear strike on Israel blamed on Iran and thereby justifying the invasion of that country sound? It doesn't have to be a big strike and they could use Israel's own (illegal) stockpile of nuclear weapons.
Either of these events could serve as a justification to instigate martial law. Then all bets are off; all investigations are suspended and Bush Co finally have the carte blanche dictatorship that the have been working towards.
My fear is that this will happen anyway regardless of Bush's survival or not. The agenda will continue remorselessly on while we are distracted by the (justifiable) blood lust of his destruction.
If Bush goes he will be replaced by more of the same, wearing different colours but controlled by the same scum, following the same fascist, world govenment agenda and the general populace will more than likely hail his replacement as a saviour.
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" W.B.Yeats. The Second Coming
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