
sitcom 'a'now'now

We had rehearsals for the sitcom pilot today.

My part is one of those small but perfectly formed beasties. I've got two scenes. It turned out that I'd been a little lazy working on it and the lines were not as secure as they should have been to allow us to work the scenes. Given that it went very well. We managed to develop my character and integrate it nicely into the piece so I'm now clear on what's required.

It's all very well kind-of knowing the script but comedy is about precision. Making youself laugh is a good start but you need to distill the minutiae that actually made it funny into a communicatable form - you may not necessarily be able to write it down or even describe it but when you find it you know.

Coincidentally working with a good acting chum. We met on a three-handed corporate tour of Asia. Ten days travelling to Singapore, Malaysia, Tai Pei and Hong Kong. He's a lovely guy and a very good actor. I can really see him taking off if he could just get the break. Same for us all I suppose. He put me up for a nice little promotional film a couple of weeks back. Sweet gig. A nice bit of pocket money for half an hours work.

Tomorrow should be another good acting day. I'll be working on a corporate out of town in the morning and then I'll be returning to shoot my sitcom scenes in the afternoon. Very nice. I should also have time on the corporate to really cement what I want to achieve on the shoot.

Getting exited now.

Also, I've been offered a stand-up gig in early november and I accepted. It's been almost a year since my last stand-up gig and it's about time I got back in the saddle. I need to totally re-write the set but I reckon that I'll use this as impetus to take it more seriously and start to develop my comedy writing and performance.