
a catalonian glimmer

On Sunday I met up with the producer of my forthcoming outing as a journalist.

Lovely girl. Organised and driven. She seems very focused on what she's doing and I got a very nice vibe about the whole project. It was inspiring to see someone just getting out there and organising their own thing. No permission given and none asked. Just do it.

Another actor was also there and we got on very well. She is a very well spoken older lady with a devlish sense of humour - reckon it'll be a hoot working with her.

The project is in partnership with Catalonian arts organisations - specifically based in Barcelona. I love Barcelona and it would be amazing to tour there. Perhaps i should start to get to grips with Spanish?!

Okay, that's probably running too early but the project does seem to be very professionally organised and a good networker so it'll be worth investing time and effort.

Looking forward to it.