
a jobsworth doing

bit rushed this morning. had a corporate roleplay gig relatively nearby - 20min bus journey away.

got to the bus stop put correct money into the ticket machine at the stop; pressed the button; it made the noise but no ticket. shook it; hit it - nothing. annoyed.

bus came along i explained to driver. he wasn't interested. decided to simply buy another ticket. pulled out £5 at which point the little man sucked his teeth and said "i've just left the depot. no change." i'd used my change in my abortive attempt to get a ticket from the machine. impasse. he asks me to get off the bus. i ask if he's taking the piss. "you can't pay so get off". dumbfounded i said something - can't remember what and got off - "come prepared" he shouts as the door closed. i see red "fuck you" i reply - ah the wit...

snapped the bus registration with my camera. noted time & place. got change & another bus. inspectors on board. explained my experience they apologised which calmed me down. gave them the details of the retard who dealt with me. will complain formally and do everything in my poswer to make sure the scum is out of a job for christmas.

may life bring him and his family all they deserve.